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The Spanish contemporary novelist Eduardo Mendoza, who was awarded the Cervantes Literature Award in 2016 and whose nickname is ‘the writer of Barcelona, was born in Barcelona in 1943. Almost all of his novels are set in Barcelona. It is not an exaggeration to say that Barcelona shows the modern history of Spain in a condensed manner. The symbolism that Barcelona has in modern Spanish history is very large. Barcelona is a city that intensively shows the modernization of Spain and a region that represents Spain's deep-rooted regionalism, which are all in progress. Although many Spanish writers have written the novels set in Barcelona, they are all short stories and are not suitable for examining the ongoing changes in Barcelona. Mendoza's ‘Anonymous Detective Series' has a continuity from the late 20th century to the present day through the 21st century, and as he is an active writer, considering that these series are currently in progress, they can be seen as the most suitable work to look at modern Barcelona. The main character of Mendoza's series, ‘anonymous detective’, first appeared in 1979 until 2015, and the protagonist also ages with the passage of time. He sometimes is an observer, sometimes becomes a protagonist together with Barcelona, witnessing and experiencing the city's changes firsthand and personally adapting to those changes, showing the reader a panorama of Barcelona. The study of this work will be able to present a new perspective to examine Spanish modern history in the fusion aspect of literature and sociology through the panorama of Barcelona.