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이 논문은 세종의 새 문자 제정에 영향을 준 산스크리트 문자, 즉, 梵字와 悉曇에 대한 연구다. 세종이 창제한 한글은 사상유례가 없는 독창적인 문자로 모두 믿고 있다. 그러나 실제로는 당시 주변의 여러 문자로부터 영향을 받았다. 특히 당시 佛經의 문자로 널리 알려진 梵字와 悉曇으로부터 영향을 받은 것을 논의한 연구는 없었다. 이 논문에서 훈민정음의 中聲字는 모음을 표기하는 글자이며 모음을 聲韻學의 韻이나 反切下字에서 따로 떼여 中聲으로 독립시킨 것은 梵字, 특히 悉曇의 摩多에 의거한 것이라고 주장하였다. 원래 ‘摩多’는 梵語의 ‘mata(mother)’에서 온 것으로 vowel을 母音으로 번역하는 근거가 된다. 이 논문에서는 범자의 悉曇章의 12 摩多에 준하여 훈민정음에서 중성 11자를 정한 것으로 보았다.

This study presents an investigation of the influence of Sanskrit and Siddhamātr̥kā on King Sejong's invention of a new writing system. Hangul, invented by King Sejong, is believed to be an unprecedented, unique writing system, but the creation of Hangul was actually influenced by other scripts used in Asian countries around Korea in the past. Especially, it was influenced by Sanskrit character and Siddhamātr̥kā, which were widely known as the scripts used in the Buddhist Scriptures in those days. However, few studies have so far discussed the influence of other scripts on the invention of Hangul. The letters representing middle sounds in Hunminjeongeum are vowel letters. This study presents the view that the creation of vowel letters in Hunminjeongeum was influenced by Sanskrit, especially the 'mata(摩多)' of Siddhamātr̥kā. In creating Hunminjeongeum, vowels were independently represented as middle sound by separating them from syllable-final consonantal sounds rather than representing the middle sound and final sound together with a single letter as in the rhymes of Chinese phonology (聲韻學) or in the fănqie (反切) system. This creation of vowel letters to represent middle sounds is thought to have been influenced by Sanskrit, especially 'mata' letters of the Siddhaṃ script. The term mata(摩多) etymologically came from 'mata (mother)' of Sanskrit, which is the reason why vowels are translated as 'mother sounds (母音).' In short, this study argues that 11 vowel letters of Hunminjeongeum were created based on 12 mata letters of the Table of Siddham Characters (悉曇) of Sanskrit.