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The 21st century brought about a rapidly changing knowledge and information society which disrupts the identity of the Christian faith and creates confusion among the people. Efforts, including the Christian education, are needed to avoid this disruption and to find a fundamental solution to adapt to the new paradigm of this era. The transformation of the new paradigm of 21st century education focuses on theory and practice, which were already recorded in the Bible. Philippians 4 says, "Let ye learn, receive, hear, and do what I have seen, and the God of peace will be with you." As mentioned in the Bible, Christianity is the core of Christian education to learn, hear, receive, and do the Word of God. Therefore, the recovery of the community of Christian families will be restored through the process from knowing God to doing the Christian way of living. Therefore, in order to find out the direction of Christian home education in the 21st century, we would like to examine the relationship between the church and home, the role of home, and the direction of Christian education.