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본 연구에서는 고대 중국어 변조구사의 음의관계가 閩南語 사전 《廈新典》의 문백이독에 어떻게 반영되고 전승되었는지 고찰하였다. 본 연구에서는 특히 변조구사와 《廈新典》의 문백이독의 음의관계가 일치하는 용례를 위주로 음의관계의 완전 일치와 불완전 일치를 기준으로 다음과 같이 두 가지 유형을 도출하였다. 우선 “讀”, “孫(遜)” 등은 《廈新典》에서 변조구사의 음의관계와 완전히 일치되는 음의관계를 보존하고 있으며, 현대 중국어에서도 그 음의관계가 완전히 전승되고 있다. 그리고 “塞”, “取(娶)”, “厭”, “喪”, “勞” 등은 고대 중국어 변조구사의 음의관계와 긴밀한 대응관계를 가지고 있으나, 일부의 文讀音 또는 白話音에서 의미상의 차이가 있었다. 변조구사를 기준으로 《廈新典》과 《臺多音》중 문백이독 음의관계의 오류를 비교해보니 文讀音 의미항목의 오류가 9개, 白話音 의미항목의 오류가 3개로 文讀音 의미항목의 오류가 3배 많았다. 그리고 《廈新典》과 《臺多音》 각각의 의미항목의 오류 발생 횟수를 정리해보니 《廈新典》중 의미항목 오류의 발생 횟수는 9회, 《臺多音》 중 의미항목 오류의 발생 횟수는 3회로 《廈新典》에서 의미항목의 오류가 3배 많았다. 이와 같은 통계 수치는 상고 중국어를 반영하는 白話音 층위와 중고 중국어 이후에 지속적으로 민방언에 유입된 文讀音 층위의 차이를 반영하고 있다고 할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 주로 변조구사와 《廈新典》의 문백이독의 음의관계가 일치하는 용례를 위주로 살펴보았는데, 《廈新典》의 석의 중에는 변조구사의 음의관계와 일부 불일치하는 경우가 있었다. 이는 영국의 캠벨 목사가 편찬한 《廈新典》의 저술 목적이 대만인 선교와 선교사들에 대한 閩南語 교육에 있었기에 엄격한 사전학적 체례의 적용보다 사전의 실용성에 무게를 둔 것으로 유추할 수 있다.

In this study, we investigated how "the Phonetic and semantic analysis" of variant in ancient Chinese words were reflected and transmitted in "the literary and colloquial reading" in the South Min dialect dictionary 《A Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular, Spoken Throughout the Prefectures of Chin-Chiu, Chiang-Chu and Formosa (TAIWAN) [廈門音新字典]》. In this study, in particular, two types were derived based on whether the relation of phonetic and semantic analysis were matched completely or incompletely, focusing on the cases between "the relation of phonetic and semantic analysis" and "the literary and colloquial reading" in 《A Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular, Spoken Throughout the Prefectures of Chin-Chiu, Chiang-Chu and Formosa》 coincide. First of all, “讀” and “孫(遜)” preserve "the relation of phonetic and semantic analysis" of the ancient Chinese words of derivation by tone-change that are completely consistent with "the relation of phonetic and semantic analysis" in 《A Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular, Spoken Throughout the Prefectures of Chin-Chiu, Chiang-Chu and Formosa》, and "the relation of phonetic and semantic analysis" are fully transmitted in modern Chinese. In addition, “塞”, “取(娶)”, “厭”, “喪”, and “勞” have a close correspondence with "the relation of phonetic and semantic analysis" of the ancient Chinese words of derivation by tone-change, but there are semantic differences some literary and colloquial reading. Based on "the relation of phonetic and semantic analysis", a comparison of "the errors in the relation of phonetic and semantic analysis" between "the literary and colloquial reading" of 《A Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular, Spoken Throughout the Prefectures of Chin-Chiu, Chiang-Chu and Formosa》 and 《A Study on the Polyphony of One Character in Taiwanese South Min Dialect[臺灣閩南語一字多音之研究]》 showed 9 errors in the literary reading and 3 errors in the colloquial reading. As we counted the number of errors in the meanings of 《A Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular, Spoken Throughout the Prefectures of Chin-Chiu, Chiang-Chu and Formosa》 and 《A Study on the Polyphony of One Character in Taiwanese South Min Dialect》, there were 9 errors of the meanings in 《A Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular, Spoken Throughout the Prefectures of Chin-Chiu, Chiang-Chu and Formosa》, 3 errors of the meanings in 《A Study on the Polyphony of One Character in Taiwanese South Min Dialect》. There were four times more errors of the meanings in 《A Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular, Spoken Throughout the Prefectures of Chin-Chiu, Chiang-Chu and Formosa》. These statistics can be said to reflect the difference between the level of literary reading which have reflected the archaic Chinese and the level of colloquial reading which have been continuously transferred into the Min dialect after the ancient Chinese. In this thesis, we mainly looked at examples of the cases in which "the relation of phonetic and semantic analysis" between "the literary and colloquial reading" of 《A Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular, Spoken Throughout the Prefectures of Chin-Chiu, Chiang-Chu and Formosa》 coincide. Although "the relation of phonetic and semantic analysis" are generally consistent, there are some cases of inconsistency in "the relation of phonetic and semantic analysis" in the word interpretation of 《A Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular, Spoken Throughout the Prefectures of Chin-Chiu, Chiang-Chu and Formosa》. It can be inferred that the purpose of writing 《A Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular, Spoken Throughout the Prefectures of Chin-Chiu, Chiang-Chu and Formosa》, compiled by Pastor Campbell of England, was to do missionary work for Taiwanese people and teach the missionaries South Min dialect, so he put more emphasis on the practicality of the dictionary rather than the application of strict lexicographic conventions.


키워드열기/닫기 버튼

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《A Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular, Spoken Throughout the Prefectures of Chin-Chiu, Chiang-Chu and Formosa》, South Min dialect, Relation of phonetic and semantic analysis, Chinese tone-change words

《廈門音新字典》, 閩南方言, 音義關係, 變調構詞, 文白異讀