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The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the physical environment and service quality of restaurants located on coastal tourism sites have a significant effect on revisiting intentions, and whether the restaurant image, a control variable, has a moderating effect on revisiting. This study collected and used 342 copies of the restaurant located on the coastal tourist sites of Busan Metropolitan City from July 1 to August 31, 2020. As a result of the study, first, it was found that the physical environment (comfort, aesthetics, cleanliness) affects the service quality in the relationship between the restaurant's physical environment and service quality. Second, the physical environment (comfort, aesthetics, cleanliness) affects the re-visit intention, as the restaurant's physical environment is a relationship between re-visit intentions. Third, the relationship between service quality and re-visiting intention showed that service quality influenced revisiting intention. Fourth, comfort × restaurant image, aesthetics × restaurant image, cleanliness × restaurant image, service quality × restaurant image were found to have a moderating effect in the role of control of restaurant image between physical environment, service quality, and intention to revisit. Therefore, in order to improve the image of the restaurant, it is necessary to not only create a comfortable and comfortable physical environment in terms of system, but also enhance the knowledge and kindness of employees and menu management through changes in cognitive aspects. Is thought to be.