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최근우리나라의경제는저성장기조로고용없이성장이지속되지만실업과양극화문제로인해사업체설립및일자 리창출이수도권을중심으로이루어짐에따라지역경제활성화에많은어려움을겪고있다. 최근지역자산을활용하여 지역민들의 주도로 이루어지는 마을기업을 포함한 커뮤니티 비즈니스 (community business)가 지역사회의 문제 해결과 동시에지역경제발전전략과지역공동체회복에크게활용되고있다.본연구에서는마을기업의성장에영향을주는요인 을분석하는데목적을두었으며지속가능성을위한발전방향을찾아가는데도움을줄수있다는데의미가있다.연구결 과와시사점을다음과같이정리하였다. 첫째, 마을기업은대표및직원의애사심, 성실성과같은태도가매우중요하다. 둘째,조직구성원모두가마을기업의비전에공감과애사심을가지고의사결정에참여해야한다.셋째,재무건전성을위하 여외부로부터자본을끌어올수있도록마을기업의더욱높은경제적성과창출가능성을높여야한다.넷째,마을기업 을준비한다면이론과성공사례를바탕으로필요한요소및성공요인을충분히검토함으로써마을기업의성공모델을수 립하는것이중요하다. 본연구는마을공동체또는마을기업에대한사례를통해분석하여연구결과를통하여새로운 방식의마을공동체나마을기업을설립하고자하는이에게실증적으로많은도움을제공할것이다.

Recently, Korean society has faced difficulties in revitalizing the local economy as the establishment of businesses and job creation are centered around the metropolitan area due to polarization and unemployment problems as low growth and 'growth without employment' continue. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors affecting the growth of village enterprises. Therefore, it is difficult to provide satisfactory answers to research questions, but it is meaningful to help you find approximate answers(Bobbie, 2013). Specifically, firstly, the concept of village enterprise is considered based on prior research. Second, we would like to examine the successstoriesofvillageenterprises. Third, wewouldlike toanalyzethesuccessfactorsofthevillageenterprise. Fourth,suggestimplicationsaccordingtotheresultsofthestudy.Basedontheresultsofthestudy,thefollowing implications were presented: First, the attitude such as attachment and sincerity of representatives and staff of village enterprises is very important. Second, all members of the organization must participate in decision making with empathy and attachment to the vision of the village enterprise. Third, it should be highly likely that village enterprises, which can draw capital from outside according to the needs of the organization, will generate higher economicresults.Fourth, itisimportantto establishamodelofmindenterprisebypresentingfactorsandsuccess factorsinestablishingavillageenterprisebasedoncasesandtheories.