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The characteristics of particulate matter made from daily cooking at a Korean residential apartment house with three dwellers had been investigated for about 3 months. All data were recorded by an optical particle counter every minute at the kitchen. Types of cooking such as boiling, frying, and grilling that performed in the house were listed. Boiling only was used in 32% cases among total 234 meals. Frying and grilling were 14% and 11%, respectively. From an initial indoor particulate matter smaller than 10 μm in diameter, the increases due to cooking are reported by size. In case of boiling, PM at 1-10 μm size and under 1 μm size little increased. Normally, particles from oil or combustion in a process of frying or grilling increased indoor PM. In a case of grilling, particle mass concentration in a region of 1–10 μm in diameter increased as much as 295 μg/m3. Mass concentration of particles smaller than 1 μm increased as much as 33 μg/m3.