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이 연구의 목적은 5·18 항쟁 당시 연행·구금의 방식과 효과를 밝히고 이를 지역적맥락에서 이해하는 데 있다. 구체적으로 5월 18일부터 26일까지 연행과 구금을 경험한 시민들의 경험과 이때 가해진 계엄군의 행위와 언어를 분석하여 연행·구금에 영향을 미친 요인과 방식, 효과를 파악한다. 연행자는 시위에 참여하거나 시위현장을 지나다가 혹은 구경하다가 계엄군에 의해 무차별적으로 연행되었다. 그들은 연행 장소부근에서 옷이 벗겨진 채 무릎을 꿇고 머리를 바닥에 박은 채 대기하다가 군 트럭, 전경버스, 형사기동대 미니버스, 교도소 호송차 등에 실려 광주경찰서, 서부경찰서, 광산경찰서, 공군헌병대, 조선대학교, 전남대학교, 31사단, 광주교도소, 상무대로 연행된다. 연행자는 구금 장소에서 조사를 통해 A, B, C, D 등급으로 분류되어 훈방되거나 구속된다. 이 과정에서 계엄군은 시민들에게 무자비한 폭력을 가했는데, 이것은적을 섬멸하여 승리해야 하는 군대 자체의 특성, 최강의 부대임을 자부하는 군 문화와역사적 경험, 정권의 폭동진압의 요구, 시위 상황의 긴장, 공포, 분노, 피로 등이 영향을 미친 결과였다. 5·18 당시 연행·구금은 연행자뿐만 아니라 시민들과 일선 공무원에게까지 공포를 심어주고, 복종을 강제하는 효과를 발생시켰다. 또한 연행과 구금에일선 행정기관이 총체적으로 동원되어 유기적으로 결합함으로써, 결과적으로 행정기관이 신군부에 실질적으로 협력하는 데 영향을 미쳤다.

This study aims to reveal how citizens were arrested and confined during the May 18th Uprising and understand the effects of such arrest and confinement in the local context. Specifically, the experiences of citizens who were arrested and confined from May 18th to 26th and the actions and language of the martial law force inflicted at this time were analyzed to identify the factors, methods, and effects of the arrest and confinement. Based on the analysis, the following information was obtained. The citizens were indiscriminately arrested by martial law forces, regardless of whether they actually participated in the demonstration, were just passed through the site, or just watching. At a place close to where they were first arrested, they were forced to kneel and wait with their clothes stripped off and their heads bent to the ground. Then, they were loaded onto military trucks, riot-police buses, police task force minibuses, prisoner escort vans, etc. and taken to various sites for detention, such as the Gwangju Police Station, Western Police Station, Gwangsan Police Station, Air Force Military Police, Chosun University, Chonnam National University, 31st Infantry Division, Gwangju Prison, and the Sangmudae military training facility. At the detention site, the citizens were investigated and classified into A, B, C, and D grades to be released or confined. In this process, the martial law forces inflicted ruthless violence on the citizens, a behavior caused by the idea instilled in soldiers to annihilate enemies for victory, the military culture that takes pride in being the strongest, the government's orders to suppress the riots, and the experiences of tension, fear, anger, and exhaustion from their engagement with the protesters, etc. The arrest and confinement during the May 18th Uprising, instilled fear not only in those who were arrested and taken into detention place but also among citizens in general and frontline officials, which forced their obedience. Also, the frontline administrative agencies became collectively mobilized and organically involved in arrest and confinement, influencing local administrative agencies to cooperate with the military authority.