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The purpose of this article is to review the characteristics of the use of Korean language at the time and the significance of FIFTY HELPS(1911) as a textbook that examined by Oh, Dae-Hwan et al. (2020). For this, first, the composition and contents of FIFTY HELPS(1911) are outlined, and then, linguistic characteristics of the use of Korean Language were examined from the phonological and grammatical aspects based on the facts grasped by Oh, Dae-Hwan et al(2020). Finally, the characteristics and significance of FIFTY HELPS(1911) as a Korean textbook were examined. Through theses processes, the differences between the system of modern Korean language and Korean language at that time were identified. In addition, various teaching and learning strategies of FIFTY HELPS(1911) that consider learners as self-learning textbooks can be seen. Oh, Dae-Hwan et al. (2020) is meaningful in that it re-examined the facts of the use of Korean language at the time reflected in the eyes of foreigners through the analysis of FIFTY HELPS(1911) from the perspective of Korean history. In addition, it is significant in that it was possible to find a future direction by examining the composition and contents of the early textbook from the perspective of the history of Korean language education.