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The purpose of this research is to analyze trends in Korean language education studies related to multi-culture. Therefore, the trends in Korean language education research were examined through analysis of multi-culture related Korean language education research published from 2000 to the present. This study examines 685 dissertations and 442 academic journals, a total of 1127, and analyzes them for yearly trends, type-specific trends, and subject-specific trends. Based on the analysis of research trends, the following is a look at some points of discussion regarding multi-culture research that will be dealt with in the field of Korean language education in the future. First, since 2001, research on Korean language education related to multi-culture has steadily increased in quantity, and the objects of research have been expanding. However, it was found that it has not deviated from the existing research trends that have been focused on elementary school children from multi-culture families. Second, it was confirmed that research areas are expanding through diversification of academic journals and graduate schools. Third, studies have shown that they are not being conducted evenly by subject. In particular, it was found that less research was conducted on ‘grammar’, ‘pronunciation’, and so on. Therefore, various forms of basic research are needed.