초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study examined how Korean EFL adult learners' psychological orientation of speech presentation has been changed in autonomy-supportive learning climate. For the intervention, three conditions were considered: 1) learner responsibility in learning; 2) teacher's role as a facilitator, a helper, and a resource; 3) collaborative interaction. The results revealed overall learners' psychological orientation was positively influenced by the teaching intervention. The rate of perceptual change in the post-questionnaire was the highest in ‘Competence’, ‘Intrinsic Motivation’ in the second degree, followed by ‘Relatedness’ and ‘Autonomy’. The ownership in choosing topics, finding materials or resources using electronic tools could contribute learners to be more autonomous and enjoy self-directed learning. In addition, the teacher, who provided informative knowledge to solve problems learners faced, and helped them with positive feedback or praises, seemed to enhance the experience of learner autonomy and competence. While having collaborative interactions with the teacher and peers sharing ideas, giving and receiving feedback, learners could feel emotional comfort and gain more self-confidence in language-related knowledge or contents, which were closely correlated with increased self-directed intrinsic motivation of the course.