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주한미군기지이전, 용산기지이전계획, 연합토지관리계획, 캠프험프리스주한미군기지이전이 마무리되는 현시점에서 그동안 발생한 한미 간 쟁점과 그 해소과정을 면밀히 살펴보는 것은 매우 중요하다. 본 연구는 이전과정에서 발생한 한미 간 주요 쟁점, 인과관계, 경과를 분석하여 쟁점 해소과정의 특징을 알아보았다. 그 결과 대체시설 소요, 비용분담, 현물제공, 이사용역 차원에서 발생한 쟁점은 결국 양국의 노력을 통해 해결되었음에 주목하였다. 이견은 SOFA 합동위에서 처리하되 필요시 양국의 외교안보채널로 의제를 격상하였고 이 과정에서 향후 미군시설 이전에 참고할 수 있는 원칙이 상당수 합의되었음을 확인하였다.

Relocation of U.S. military bases in Korea is in the final stage. This study aims to identify major issues during the relocation, analyze the causal relationship, and track the progress to draw implications in the process of resolving the issues. As a result, it was noted that the issues in terms of alternative facility requirement, cost sharing, in-kind provision, and moving service were eventually resolved through reasonable efforts by two countries. Although SOFA Joint Committee resolved differences in general, the agenda was treated by the diplomatic and security channels if necessary. In this process, Korea and the U.S. consented a considerable number of principles and standards, which can be referred to for future relocation of U.S. military facilities in Korea. The study suggests that both Korea and the U.S. should make a co-operative effort for the further development of the RoK-US alliance when pursuing the relocation of U.S. military facilities in Korea.