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This paper aims to examine the necessity of critical thinking in adult learning as a part of lifelong education. The world is changing fast. There is quite a bit we know about the global megatrends that much has been written about the Fourth Industrial Revolution including the recent Future of Jobs report by the World Economic Forum. We have a hard time catching up with the rapid change only for ourselves. In this situation, lifelong education can bridge the gap. Then by what could we educate critical thinking? Literary works have played a leading role as a space for the imagination. This paper is focused on Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley. Learners can enhance their critical thinking in the process of close reading and discussing various current issues like post-human, AI, distopia, human cloning, basic income, gender, lookism, low birthrate, youth unemployment, elderly poverty etc. In short, learners are expected to learn how to relate a chance encounter with the great novel to their own lives resulting in developing their critical thinking.