초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study is to analyze the Korean language spread network in the Southeastern United States based on network theory, and further presents a future-oriented vision and strategy. The Korean language spread network expands as the network recombines by attracting demand around overseas local hubs as human resources, systems, and policy projects interact. Moreover, the Korean Education Center is located as a base for spreading Korean language, specifically where supply and overseas demand meet. Therefore, by analyzing the case of the newly established Atlanta Korean Education Center, this paper tried to examine the structure and role as a local hub for disseminating Korean language. According to the analysis, the expansion process of the Korean spread network was found to be transforming and evolving through a virtuous cycle of overlapping structures with public diplomatic assets and multiplicity. Based on this, an expansion model of the Korean language spread network and a step-by-step strategy were established, and a future-oriented vision for Korean language globalization was presented.