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Purpose This research examines how source credibility, eWOM quality and quantity relate to consumers’ purchase intention via Facebook in Myanmar. Specifically, the social tie strength’s moderate effect was tested. Design/Methodology/Approach This research is based on questionnaires through online and the analysis has used SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 22.0 programs. Findings The results confirm that the quality and quantity of eWOM influence consumers’ purchase intention positively, whereas social tie strength’s moderate effect is not significant. Research Implications This study contributes to research and practice in consumer behavior especially in online community by describing different factors associated with user-generated contents in Myanmar’s Korea cosmetic market. This research provides valuable insights for Korea cosmetic companies that had joined Myanmar market or have the intent to invest in Myanmar cosmetic market by indicating the word of mouth is the most important deyerminant of purchase intention. This results of this research will allow Korea cosmetic firms to better understand Myanmar market and will help them to impement effective ways to enter and approach Myanmar market.