초록 열기/닫기 버튼

本稿では『現代日本語書き言葉均衡コーパス』を対象に、接続連鎖現象に先行して現れる構造を抽出し、その語句形態や品詞などの出現様相について調査・考察する。コーパス資料からの語形抽出では「た」や「だ」、そして「のです」などの形態が抽出されたが、これらの形態は先行品詞に動詞、イ形容詞、ナ形容詞、名詞の四つの品詞が全て位置することができるために、さらに先行語句を調査して品詞を確定した。 しかし先行語形だけではその語形が持つ品詞の判断ができないものが多く抽出されたために、ここでは先行する語形に先行する語句の品詞を調べ、それらを動詞、イ形容詞、ナ形容詞、名詞の四つの品詞に分けて分析を行った。 調査の結果、接続連鎖の先行品詞は動詞(78.12%)、イ形容詞(11.27%)、名詞(8.60%)、ナ形容詞(1.94%)の順で多いことが分かった。意味機能別にみると、「継起」ではナ形容詞が検出されず共起しにくいことが分かった。「因果」ではナ形容詞と名詞が共起しにくく、「譲歩」と「付加」ではナ形容詞があまり共起されておらず、「同時」では動詞が共起しやすく、イ形容詞はやや共起されることが分かった。

This study aims to research and to extract the pre-Conjunctive Concatenation Constructs from Japanese Corpus “BCCWJ”, and to consider occurrence patterns of morphological forms and lexical categories in Japanese Conjunctive Concatenation. Through extracting data of BCCWJ, just lexical forms ‘ta’, ‘da’ and ‘no-desu’ were extracted. However, in front of these lexical forms could be placed four lexical categories, ‘verb’, ‘I-adjective’, ‘Na-adjective’ and ‘noun’. However, since many of the extracted words cannot be identified the lexical categories by the preceding word form alone, the part of speech of the preceding word form was investigated. We analyzed them by dividing them into four parts of speech: verbs, adjectives, na-adjectives, and nouns. As a result of the survey, it was found that the preceding part-of-speech in the connection chain was verb (78.12%), adjective (11.27%), noun (8.60%), and na-adjective (1.94%). By the meaning and function, it was found that the na-adjectives were not detected in "successive" and it was difficult to co-occur. "Causal" is difficult to co-occur with the Na-adjectives and nouns, "concession" and "addition" are less co-occurring with the Na-adjectives, and "simultaneous" is more likely to co-occur with the verbs, and the I-adjective is slightly co-occurring.