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The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that hinder the safety behavior of flight attendants and to suggest ways to enhance the competitiveness of airlines by effectively managing the inhibitors. Therefore, the mediating role of customer orientation (CO) and the moderating role of coworkers emotional support (CES) and instrumental support (CIS) were proved to explain the negative relationship between flight attendant’s experienced customer incivility(ECI) and safety behavior. To achieve the objectives of the study, a total of 250 valid samples were analyzed. To verify the research hypothesis, using the Process Macro 2.16, the main effect, the mediating effect and the moderating effect were sequentially verified. First, the ECI of flight attendant was the negative (−) effect to CO. Second, the CO was the positive (+) effect on safety behavior. Third, the ECI of flight attendant was negatively (−) related to ISP, OSP and USC, and CO has full mediating effect on ECI and this safety behavior. Fourth, CES was shown to alleviate the negative (−) effect of ECI on flight attendant’s CO, but CIS was found to have no moderating effect on the relationship between ECI and CO. Based on these findings, this study intended to contribute to enhancing the airline’s service level by suggested implications to improve the safety behavior of flight attendants.