초록 열기/닫기 버튼

본고는 전통양식에 반하는 문학을 추구한 보들레르의 모호한 감정인 우울을 규명하고 그 감정에서 솟아나는 일종의 반작용으로서의 환각을 분석하는 것에 지향점을 둔다. 따라서 본고는 19세기 현대성이란 새로운 시대적 색채를 읽어낸 보들레르의 마약에 대한 열광이 현대사회에 대응한 그의 감수성에서 발현하였음을, 또한 현실로부터의 도피를 딛고 피어난 창의성의 동력으로 작용하였음을 밝히는 연구이다.

This article is a study on the literary works of Baudelaire, a pioneer of modern poetry in the West, dealing with his hallucinatory experiences. We will seek to analyze the route followed by Baudelaire during his journeys leading to artificial Heavens thanks to drunkenness and hallucinatory substances such as opium and hashish. Thus, it is generally accepted that Baudelaire's hallucinatory experience was linked to his feeling of spleen, and that the source of his spleen came from the new aspect of Paris that had become metropolitan, black, gloomy and noisy due to modern industrialization. In other words, the reason behind Baudelaire's hallucinatory experiences lay in his discomfort and the suffering he felt in the midst of the modern city where the crowd appeared overwhelming towards the poet himself. As a result, he sought to explore the artificial Heavens to escape the real world, which only brought him boredom, depression, suffering, in short, spleen.

Cet article est une étude sur les œuvres littéraires de Baudelaire, un pionnier de la poésie moderne en Occident, traitant de ses expériences hallucinatoire. Nous chercherons à analyser le parcours suivi par Baudelaire lors de ses voyages menant aux Paradis artificiels grâce à l’ivresse et les substances hallucinatoires comme l’opium et le hachish. Ainsi, il est généralement admis que l'expérience hallucinatoire de Baudelaire était liée à son sentiment du spleen, et que la source de son spleen provenait du nouvel aspect de Paris devenu métropolitain, noir, lugubre et bruyant en raison de l’industrialisation moderne. En d'autres termes, la raison derrière les expérience hallucinatoires de Baudelaire résidait dans son mal-être et la souffrance qu’il ressentait au milieu de la ville moderne où la foule apparaissait accablante envers le poète lui-même. En conséquence, il cherchait à explorer les Paradis artificiels pour échapper au monde réel, qui lui apportait seulement ennui, dépression, souffrance, en bref, le spleen.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

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Hallucination, Hallucinogenics, Drug, Opium, Hachichi, 19th century, 20th century, French society, French modern literature, End of the century, Mal du siecle, Spleen, Ennui, Existential deficiency

Baudelaire, Club des Hachichins, Gautier, Poètes maudits, Modernité, Paris du XIXe siècle, Paradis ariticifiels, Spleen, Mal-être