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본 연구에서는 미술경매가 예술가와 예술작품의 평가에 미치는 영향을 「만종」의 1889년 경매를 통하여 알아보았다. 「만종」은 미국과의치열한 경합 끝에 천문학적인 액수로 프랑스에 낙찰되었다. 경매 직후「만종」의 구매에 호의적이었던 프랑스 여론이 광산 폭발로 다수의 사상자가 발생하면서 악화되었고, 주요 언론들은 「만종」의 가치에 대한공방을 벌였다. 결국 프랑스 의회가 「만종」 구매를 위한 지원금을 부결시키면서, 「만종」을 미국에 양도하게 되었다. 이러한 미술경매 역사상유례없는 초유의 사태는 오히려 밀레와 그의 작품들이 재조명되는 계기가 되었고, 주요 관련 자료들도 다수 발표되었다. 1889년 「만종」의경매가 밀레와 그의 작품들에 대한 평가에 중요한 영향을 미쳤다는 사실을 확인할 수 있다.

In this paper, the role of the art auction is studied through French painter Jean-François Millet’s The Angelus. One of the most remarkable events in the history of 19th century art auction, ‘The Secrétan sale in 1889’, has mainly been focused on. Not only because The Angelus was contracted at the absurd price of 553,000 franc, are we giving attention to the event. Having showed interest openly in purchasing the art work, The American Art Association fiercely bid against France but it was in vain. However, the promised financial support was revoked in the France assembly, leading to an unprecedented happening in the art auction history: The Angelus had to be handed over to the U.S. due to the cancelation of the bid. The public opinion was still favorable right after the Secrétan sale, July 1st, 1889. Two days later, the Saint-Étienne mine disaster occurred, getting about 200 people killed and injured. After this accident the public opinion took a sudden turn for the worse. The French press exchanged arguments about The Angelus’ artistic worth. In this social atmosphere The Angelus came into the U.S. possession. When the cancelation of The Angelus’ bid was decided, an introspective voice arose for the loss of the national art piece. As interest increased in the painter Millet, many materials and references were published. The auction of The Angelus in 1889 demonstrated us clearly that two external events as well as the auction itself gave rise to significant changes in the evaluation of artists and their works.