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This study aims to investigating six types of motivation to self-determination in 25 Korean language teaching practicum students and the correlation that these have with their overall academic achievement. Among the six types of motivation to self-determination, controlled regulation had the highest average, followed by integrated regulation, intrinsic regulation, internal regulation, external regulation and lack of motivation. An examination of the correlation among types of motivation for self-regulation revealed a positive close correlation with motivation, however intrinsic motivation and lack of motivation, which are at the opposite ends of the motivation to self-regulation continuum, showed a negative correlation. No meaningful correlation was found between overall motivation to self-regulation and academic achievement. However, when looking at the different types of motivation, a strong negative correlation was found with lack of motivation, and a positive correlation was found with integrated regulation and intrinsic motivation. Considering in particular that a strong negative correlation was found between lack of student motivation and their academic achievement, we stress the need to reinforce the value of the practicum class in order to avoid students’ lack of motivation.