초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Won, Ho Hyeuk and Kim, Hyoung Yub.**(2017). Study of Translation and Interpreting Training in Lifelong Education: Focused on Korean-English T&I Program. This paper presents the role of lifelong education between the translation & interpreting department and graduate school. According to studies, department teaches students basic information about translation and languages. In addition, graduate school rears experts and researchers in translation and interpreting. However, there is no specific role for lifelong education, and this paper suggests that lifelong education in translation & interpreting as a guide for people who are interested in translation but do not graduate translation & interpreting department. Also, this paper emphasizes John Dewey(1938) and Lengrand(1980)’s idea of lifelong education and suggests the evaluation tool for translation & interpreting program established in lifelong education center. (Korea University)