초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this paper is to show that if ‘-ise’, ‘-se’ and ‘-i’ are treated as allomorphs. Since ‘-i’ attached to numerals and classifiers in the numeral quantifier constructions can be supposed to have adverbiality, the numerals and classifiers associated with such an element can be introduced in vP. Furthermore, we attempt to prove that nominative case marking can be deleted in the constructions. For the purpose of this paper, we investigate the analyses by several scholars on the allomorphy, finding out that ‘-i’ can be an abbreviation of ‘-ise’, a nominative case marker and affix. Within the vP, as ‘honca(se)’ functions as an adverbial phrase, if ‘seys-i(se)’ and ‘seymyeng-i(se)’ also do so, we can explain why phrases like ‘seymyeng-i’ can be in the vP. In addition, we examine nominative case ellipsis phenomenon in the light of Hong's generalization that case markers are optional to arguments in the complement position but obligatory to arguments in the spec positions, rethinking the possibility of the ellipsis of nominative case makers.