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The essence of philosophical counseling is to carry forward the practicalness of philosophy, to treat the thought diseases of society and individuals by using philosophy, so as to benefit human society. Different methods of philosophical counseling are suitable for different therapeutic objects. For example,the philosophical therapy of Socrates is beneficial for people to form a clear understanding of concepts. The logic of Wang Chong’s philosophical therapy is similar to Socratic therapy,which aims to solve people’s spiritual perplexities and conflicts by clarifying the ideas in the mind.Wang Chong believes that people’s spiritual distress is due to the oppression of their free spirit by fallacious thoughts and the conflict between fallacious thoughts with objective reality. Therefore, in order to maintain mental health, it is necessary to use philosophy to identify fallacious ideas. During East Han Dynasty, the main fallacious ideas in society included the superstition of ghosts and gods, the supersitition of saints, Telepathy between Heaven and Wang Chong corrected these wrong concepts and thoughts in his own philosophical way, trying to help the society go back to rationality and happiness. Although nearly two thousand years has passed since the age of Wang Chong and contemporary social civilization and natural science have greatly progressed, the old issues of fallacious words and superstition still exist. Therefore, by studying Wang Chong’s philosophical treatment of fallacious thoughts with empirical evidence and logical reasoning, we can protect our thoughts from the intrusion of fallacious thoughts and thus safeguard our mental health.