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This paper discussed the relationship between Zheng Zhenduo's cultural planning and the Literary ecosystem reorganization in the early 1920s, focusing on the publication of the Society for Literature Researches' series and activities in Literature Every Ten Days. The special emphasis here was on the reconstruction of the Literary ecosystem based on Post May Fourth Era publishing and media, and the appearance and role of Zheng zhenduo as a cultural planner who actively participated in this process. What made Zheng Zhenduo successful as one of the leaders of the Society for Literature Researches and one of the most prominent planners of the New Literature camp was to clearly predict and lead the change and flow of the Post May Fourth Era's Literary Field with publishing and media platforms. In this process, The Commercial press played a crucial role. Through this meeting, Zheng Zhenduo was awarded The Commercial Press as a strong sponsor of Society for Literature Research, and as an editor, secured an important platform to put his cultural plan into action. It was also the secret that the Society for Literature Research was able to continue for a relatively long time, trying to find a space for independent discussion without being buried in the interests of the publishers, while increasing the influence with the support of The Commercial Press. Furthermore, it was also a pioneering attempt to reorganize the Literary ecosystem centered on New Literature, clearly understanding the media characteristics and differences between Series books and magazines, and distributing them according to the needs and realistic understanding of cultural movements. Indeed, this interconnection between media, from magazines to series books, has become a major model for the production of new literature and has had a significant impact on the reorganization of the literature market.