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This study attempted to assess the longitudinal interdependence effects of health status, depression, and marital satisfaction among older couples. Data used for this study were from the 4th, 5th, and 6th waves of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing which included 791 dyads(1,582) and all subjects were over 65years old. Decline of health status increased depression, and this increased depression decreased marital satisfaction. The major results of this study are as follows. First, the actor effect of marital satisfaction which is affected by health status occurred only in husbands, and the partner effect appeared in both wives and husbands. Second, under the condition that health status affects depression, the actor effect appeared in both wives and husbands, but the partner effect did not occur. Third, based on the finding that depression affects marital satisfaction, it was found that the actor effect appeared in husbands, and the partner effect occurred in wives. Finally, in regard to the association among health status, depression, and marital satisfaction, the actor effect occurred in both wives and husbands, and the partner effect appeared only in wives. These results revealed that marital interdependence of older couples according to health status, depression, and marital satisfaction did not occur symmetrically.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
older couples, marital satisfaction, health status, depression, Actor-Partner Interdependence Model