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The present study examines the effects of YouTube production activities on phrasal verbs (PVs) learning and its affective domains. A total of 30 university students participated in eight sessions in the experiment. For the PV learning methods, one group was provided with YouTube production activities while the other group practiced PVs through role-play activities. The YouTube production group completed YouTube video production activities by collaboratively writing scripts and recording videos with mobile phones. The role play group, on the other hand, learned the target PVs with role-play worksheets. The results indicated that the YouTube production group outperformed the roleplay group in their overall post-test score and in their productive PV knowledge. Also, the YouTube production group’s post-questionnaire anxiety scores reduced significantly in comparison to the pre-questionnaire scores. The findings indicate that YouTube can be a useful tool to enhance L2 learners’ PV acquisition and retention and lower their anxiety.