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This study investigated students’ views on the use of online machine translation (MT) in L2 writing by collecting survey responses from 171 Korean learners of English upon completion of actual writing tasks in the classroom and comparing these responses for different proficiency levels and text genres. The participants first wrote a paragraph without using MT or any other resources and then wrote another paragraph using only Google Translate a week later. The study found that students are generally satisfied with using MT for L2 writing and are also willing to use MT in future writing tasks. More importantly, responses by students in different proficiency levels and text genres showed notable differences. Low proficiency learners had the highest acceptance rate of MT output and showed the highest degree of satisfaction and willingness to use MT for L2 writing. The genre groups also showed differences, as the narrative group was significantly less satisfied with MT use, less likely to accept the MT output, and less willing to use MT in the future than the argumentative group. Based on these findings, we discuss the implications for the use of MT as a pedagogical tool in L2 writing classrooms.