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본 연구는 유아 숲 교육기관의 교육역량지표를 개발하는 것에 목적을 두었다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 기존의 선행연구를 통해 교육역량지표의 정의, 기본요소로서 교사역량, 놀이역량, 환경역량을 살펴보았다. 사전연구를 토대로 1차 시안을 개발하고, 개발된 교육역량지표에 대해 유아교육 전문가를 대상으로 2회의 자문을 통해 수정·보완하였다. 개발된 문항에 대해 예비조사와 본조사를 통해 문항양호도 및 검사양호도를 살펴보았다. 이에 따라 최종 교사역량 21문항, 놀이역량 10문항, 환경역량 16문항, 총 47문항으로 완성되었다. 본 교육역량지표는 교육역량기반의 유아 숲 교육의 질을 향상시킬 수 있는 계기가 마련 될 것이다.

This study was aimed at developing educational competency indicators for early childhood forest education institutions. To that end, the study identified the definition of education competency indicators through previous prior studies and examined basic factors such as teacher competency, play competency, and environmental competency. The first draft was developed based on prior study and revised and supplemented by twice consultations with experts in early childhood education for developing the education competency indicators. We looked at the validation of questions and validation of inspections for developed questions through preliminary and main surveys. As a result, a total of 47 questions were finalized by 21 questions about teacher competency, 10 questions about the play competency and 16 questions about environmental competency. This educational competency indicators will provide an opportunity to improve the quality of education in forests based on educational competency.