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The cosmetic medical information mobile platform is evolving into a new channel for searching and obtaining relevant information before using cosmetic medical service. In addition, the medical institutions can facilitate the medical contracts, and take advantage of systemic customer management through the cosmetic medical information mobile platform. Therefore, the paradigm of the cosmetic medical mobile service industry is facing a flow of change through the use diffusion of cosmetic medical information mobile platform. In this study, in order to explore the factors affecting the use diffusion of the cosmetic medical information mobile platform, this study used the research model of the influence of the characteristics of the cosmetic medical information mobile platform on perceived convenience and usefulness, and use diffusion by applying TAM(Technology Acceptance Model). As a result, immediateness, interactivity, and customization in the characteristics of cosmetic medical information mobile platform had positive effects on the perceived convenience. Also, interactivity, customization, and economics had positive impacts on perceived usefulness. In addition, perceived convenience and usefulness had positive effects on the use diffusion. Through this study, the factors influencing the use diffusion of cosmetic medical information mobile platform were actually explored, and the service value of the cosmetic medical information mobile platform were categorized. Future research is expected to contribute to the continuous improvement of quality and expansion of the cosmetic medical service market based on various research.