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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the smoking experience of female smokers from the gender perspective of Korea. Methods: Colaizzi’s phenomenological analysis was used to explore the participants’ experiences. In-depth interviews were conducted with 12 women to collect the data. Results: According to the analysis, female smoking illuminated from the gender perspective was structured into three categories: 1) social prejudice around female smokers, 2) defensive reactions to the negative view underlying society, and 3) concealed smoking behavior due to the distorted gaze of others. Conclusion: This study provides a clue to the under-reporting phenomenon of female smoking by describing the meaning and essential structure of the experiences of female smoking illuminated from a gender-perspective in our society. Also, this study can be presented as a strategic criterion in aspects of gender-perspective for the development of tobacco cessation educational programs and smoking prevention programs for female smokers.