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当今人类社会处在全球一体化的新时代,国与国之间在政治、经济、贸易、文化等方面相互影响、相互依存,形成世界范围内的有机整体。2019年末,在中国发现了新型冠状病毒肺炎病例,在短短的时间里,世界各地相继出现此类疫情,人类共同面临着巨大的挑战。 如何应对此次突发性公共卫生事件成为摆在我们面前的头等重要课题,而学术界对此次事件研究的学术成果尚属寥廖。本文主要采用分析新闻、报纸、网络资料的方法,从新型冠状病毒的发现、疫情的蔓延、中国对疫情采取的应对措施以及法律依据、全球抗击疫情过程中所存在的问题等方面进行分析,提出了应对疫情的五点建议。第一,各国政府应积极响应并支持世界卫生组织的号召;第二,各国政府应把工作重心调整到控制新型冠状病毒上来;第三,有效地开展国际间联防联控;第四,尽早准备用于治疗和隔离病人的医疗设施;第五,加强协作恢复经济发展。希望能为抗击此次疫情贡献绵薄之力。

Today's human society is in a new era of global integration. Countries influence and depend on each other in politics, economy, trade and culture, forming an organic whole in the world. At the end of 2019, covid-19 cases were found in China. In a short period of time, such outbreaks have occurred in other parts of the world, which was a huge challenge to mankind. How to deal with this sudden public health event has become the most important subject. However, the academic research achievements of this incident are relatively few. This article mainly uses secondary data analysis method, collecting the data comes from news, newspaper and network, analyzes the discovery and the spread of the coronavirus, the measures taken by China, the legal basis, as well as the problems existing in the process of fighting against the virus in the world range. Finally, five Suggestions to deal with the pandemic are put forward. First, governments should actively support and respond to the guidance of the World Health Organization. Second, governments should refocus their efforts on controlling coronavirus. Third, effectively carry out international joint prevention and control. Fourth, prepare medical facilities for treating and isolating patients as early as possible. Fifth, strengthen cooperation to restore economic development. I hope this article can make some contribution to fight against this pandemic.