초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this article is to reexamine the functions and meanings of the right of collecting land-tax in the economic social formation of Goryeo. In Goryeo society, the right of collecting land-tax and the institute of Jeonsi-gwa[田柴科] constitute the core of economic social formation. Korean medieval history researchers interpreted that this right was on the basis of the private ownership of the land. However, the historical records of the Goryeo society showed that the demarcation between land-ownership and the right of collecting land-tax was ambiguous. The right of collecting land-tax granted to the ruling class through the state were, in themselves, a firm right to dominate the land in that it guarantees the acquisition of half of production. The right of collecting land-tax can be said to be the dominant form of land ownership of in Goryeo society. In these society, the ruling class has little incentive to have direct interest in agricultural management and production. In Goryeo society, not as in the late Joseon, there was no production system where the landlord directly controlled other people[the farmer] through the land property. We must ask what conditions these production system emerged from.