초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study is to analyze the founding philosophy of Japanese universities and the establishment of volunteer activity centers, the introduction of service learning from service activities, and the service learning operating system. The methodology of this study was two sessions of interviews with Japanese university staff. First, Meijigakuin University has been conducting a service learning scheme called Volunteer Certificate Program for all grades from 2016. Second, Rikkyo University set up the volunteer activity center in 2003 with the help of Hanshinawaji in 1995, and the service learning education was carried out in 2016. Third, the International Christian University(ICU) developed service-learning education in 1999 and the Service-Learning Asia Network (SLAN) in 2003. In conclusion, it is thought that the service learning education of Japanese universities has been developing in connection with regular curricula, which are complemented by volunteer activities.