초록 열기/닫기 버튼
The Korean Immigration & Integration Program (KIIP) was introduced by the Ministry of Justice in 2009. The purpose of this paper was to present a desirable direction for research so that the results of research and major issues in Korean language education can be reflected in the improvement and development of the KIIP in the future. As a result, compared to the early days of the operation of the KIIP the past, although there have been many quantitative achievements recently, there have been many areas where sufficient research has not yet to be done in order for social integration programs to achieve their operational purposes in a multifaceted manner. Teaching and content studies related to the KIIP, in particular, were found to be significantly lacking. In the future, the overall direction needs to be continuously checked to ensure that the KIIP meets the purpose of its operation and increases its effectiveness, and various studies on participants’ needs, achievements and satisfaction should be conducted together.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Korea Immigration Integration Program, KIIP, Korean language education, social integration policy, multi cultures