초록 열기/닫기 버튼


This paper is a lesson report of a trial that incorporated painting appreciation into Japanese language education. Specifically, using PowerPoint to introduce figure, landscape, still-life, symbolic, and other paintings, the teacher asks various questions, such as “What is this?”, “Which season is it?”, “Which period is it?”, “Which country is it in?”, “What colors are used?”, “How old is the person?”, and “What character does the person have?”, and all the class members discuss and appreciate the paintings in Japanese. These classes are suitable for language learning because teachers can adjust the difficulty level, so they are not only able to conduct the lessons for a wide range of learning levels from beginner to advanced but also allow participants to comment on the lessons in a well-balanced manner. In addition, when teachers actually conducted the class, they observed different interpretations of the same painting, such as one student thinking that it looked “sad” while another thought that it looked “happy.” Making use of differences in interpretation and revitalizing discussions between students have become common in teaching methods like active learning in recent years. This class also effectively links Japanese language education to the development of creativity and independence, rather than ending at mere language learning.