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This study explores the representation of sex, gender and queer in adolescent literature focusing on two stories, Annie on My Mind and Boy Meets Boy. These novels deal with teens who fall in love and realize their sexual orientation and sexual identity. Adults usually emphasize childhood innocence and purity. The innocent and pure child is related to romantic, ideal and fragile image which has been constructed by adults’ desire to put them in their grasp. Unlike children, young adults are aware of their growing power and knowledge, with which they want to overcome the obstacles established by society and adults. Adults consider sexuality as a source of power, so they attempt to erase adolescent sexuality, especially homosexuality. In Annie on My Mind, Liza and Annie fall in love when they meet in the museum. Liza tries to ignore her love desperately, feels guilty and uncomfortable, but at last, accepts her sexual orientation and her sexual identity as a lesbian against adults’ oppression. Boy Meets Boy deals with a utopian town where gay, lesbian, and transgendered students are accepted without any prejudice. The boundaries of traditional gender are dissolved here. These two young adult fictions show not the negative aspects of homosexuality but the “small victory” and “possibility” that can be the foundation of new gay young adult novels.