초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The substantial expansion of global capitalism in the post-cold-war context has accompanied the ascent of Asian economies and (commercialized) cultures as most exemplified by China and South Korea. In contrast, Japan’s experience has been marked by the struggle with economic slump after the collapse of so-called bubble economy. Accordingly we have observed the intensification of economic and cultural rivalry between Japan, China and South Korea, joined together with political contestation over historical issues. This paper discuss the rise of anti-Chinese and Korean sentiment in Japan, which also generates hate-speech movement against resident Koreans. It will be argued that growing East Asian rivalry with the relative decline of Japan, the vague sense of socio-economic frustration and the upsurge of digital media communication have been complicatedly conjoined to engender the attack and hunt of proximate enemies as the object of expression of dislike.