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China’s pastoral poetry have been enriched since the Tang Dynasty, because of Tao Yuanming’s pastoral poetry that sang the joys of the rural life and the Yuan Zhen’s pastoral poetry that sang the pains of the rueal life. In the Song Dynasty, as the material in pastoral poetry became various and fresh due to the vogue for Neo-Confucianism, the contents became more abundant. The poet who packed the poems that became rich in that period and presented them as works, is Fan Chengda. According to Quan Zhongshu’s evaluation, Fan Chengda’s “Four pastoral” is the collectiveness of pastoral poetry, harmonizing the various contents of traditional pastoral poetry to show their characteristics. While singing the beautiful scenery of the rural life and the various farming work in that rural area, Fan Chengda did not turn away from the voices of who living there. He included social poetry which sang all the pains of the rural life in the category of pastoral poetry, which sang the idyllic rural life and reclusion. This is the result of his efforts and practices, who have constantly cared for society and people and dreamed of a power to coexist together. Therefore, rural area of Fan Chengda became a rural areas that combines realistic rural areas, subjectively idealized rural areas, and objective rural areas.