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본고는 단재 신채호 소설 <龍과 龍의 大激戰>에 나타난 ‘묘회’(廟會) 변용 양상에 대해 살펴보았다. 묘회는 중국 새해의 대규모 민중행사이다. 신채호는 전통적 의미의 묘회를 혁명 공간으로 변용해 담아냄으로써 정치적 메시지를 미학적으로 전달하고 있다. 서사에서 무진년(戊辰年)을 상징하는 용은 ‘미리’와 ‘드래곤’이라는 인물들로 형상화되며, 묘회의 군중은 혁명에 동참하는 민중들로 화(化)한다. 신채호는 묘회의 제례 장면과 귀신 물리치기(打鬼), 점 보기(算卦) 등의 행사를 변용하여 미리로 대변되는 권력자들이 신이 아닌 귀신들이었음을 폭로한다. 또한 황제가 제를 올리던 천단(天壇)이 민중 축제의 장이 되는 공간 전복을 통해 민중혁명으로 천국과 지국이 전도되었음을 보여주고 있다. 작품 활용하고 있는 이러한 묘회 풍경들은 작가의 북경 생활 가운데 얻어진 창의적인 문학적 상상력에서 나온 것이라 할 수 있다. 이는 어디에서도 볼 수 없는 독특한 미학적 성취로서 본 논의를 통해 문학가로서의 신채호를 재확인할 수 있다 하겠다. 본고는 그동안 이루어지지 않았던 <龍과 龍의 大激戰>와 묘회와의 관련성을 구명함으로써 ‘신채호와 중국’에 대한 연구범위를 확대하였다는 데 의의가 있다. 차후, 한·중 연희(演戲)에 대한 비교분석을 토대로 작품에 드러나는 문화적 복합성을 좀 더 구체적으로 밝힐 필요가 있다. 이는 망명 지식인의 문화적 위치를 구명하고, 나아가 전통에서 현재까지 이어지는 한·중 문학의 관계와 그 정신사를 추적하는 데 기여할 것으로 본다.

This study examines the transformation patterns of the Miaohui in the novel of Fierce Battle of Dragon to Dragon by Shin, Chae-Ho. The Miaohui is a large-scale folk event celebrating the Chinese New Year. Shin, Chae-Ho conveys the political message aesthetically by transforming traditional Miaohui into revolutionary spaces. In the narrative, the dragon, symbolizing the Mujin-year, is embodied by the characters 'miri' and 'dragon', and the Miaohui crowd is transformed into the people who participate in the revolution. Shin, Chae-Ho exposes the power represented by Miri as that of ghosts, not gods, through transformation of the ritual scenes of Miaohui and by utilizing the action of casting out ghosts, and divination. In addition, he also shows that the heaven and the land were reversed by the people during the revolution through the subversion of the space where the emperor's altar became the venue of the people's festival. The landscapes of the Miaohui used in his works are derived from the creative literary imagination obtained during the writer's life in Beijing. This is a unique aesthetic achievement that cannot be found anywhere else, and through the discussion, Shin, Chae-Ho as a literary artist can be reaffirmed. The study is meaningful as it expands the scope of research on 'Shin, Chae-Ho and China' by examining the connection between Fierce Battle of Dragon to Dragon and Miaohui, which has not so far been done. In the future, it is necessary to elucidate more specifically the cultural complexities revealed in the works based on a comparative analysis of the two countries’s traditional performing arts. This is expected to contribute to the search for the cultural position of asylum intellectuals and to trace the relationship between Korean and Chinese literatures and their histories. The landscapes of the Miaohui used in his works are derived from the creative literary imagination obtained in the writer's Beijing life. This is a unique aesthetic achievement that cannot be found anywhere else, and through this discussion, Shin, Chae-Ho as a literary artist can be reaffirmed. The study is meaningful to has been expanded the scope of research on 'Shin, Chae-Ho and China' by examining the connection between Fierce Battle of Dragon to Dragon and, Miaohui which have not been done so far. In the future, it is necessary to elucidate more specifically the cultural complexities revealed in the works based on the comparative analysis of the two countries’s traditional performing arts. This is expected to contribute to the search for the cultural position of asylum intellectuals and to trace the relationship between Korean and Chinese literature and its history.