초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study examined the problems of using hyphens as a marker of complex word and selecting forms of declension and conjugation as a inflectional information in Standard Korean Dictionary(1999). Then, I proposed a solution to these problems. First, it is impossible to consistently use hyphens as a marker of complex word in the headword notated according to the Hangeul orthography in the dictionary. In classifying words according to morphological characteristics, it is more important to check whether it is a inflected word than whether it is a complex word. Considering this, a hyphen can be used for the analysis of the inflected words. Second, in order to show the morphological characteristics systematically, appropriate forms of declension and conjugation as a inflectional information must be selected and presented. In this process, syntactic functions and morphophonological alternats of each declensional endings and conjugational endings should be considered. As a result, in case of substantives, the forms of declension combined with declensional endings ‘이/가’, ‘을/를’, ‘으로/로’, ‘만’, ‘도’, ‘이나/나’, ‘과/와, ’etc., and in case of the predicates, the forms of declension combined with conjugational endings ‘-ㄴ다/는다/다’, ‘-ㅂ니다/ㅂ니다/습니다’, ‘-아/어’, ‘-니/으니’, ‘-는/ㄴ/은’, ‘-ㅁ/음’, ‘-게’, etc. were selected. Third, the complex word is analyzed its morphs with a hyphen for its phonetic form. The morph analysis at this time should be performed to the phoneme level. The same is true of forms of declension and conjugation.