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Although, existing studies pointed out the possibility that behavior responses and attitudinal responses can be shown in different ways, there are seldom studies about the difference between the Attitudinal and Behavioral Responses against Experienced Incivility in Workplace. So, current study selects stress and instigated incivility as responses of experienced incivility and examines differences between the responses. In addition to that, current study investigates the curvilinearity of behavioral response and moderating effect of group attractiveness. The analysis is conducted with the survey data from 263 respondents who work for the companies in service industry. As a result, stress has a positive linear relation with experienced incivility, while instigated incivility has a inverted U-shaped curve relation, and group attractiveness has a moderating effect on the relationship between experienced incivility and the responses. This result means that the employee’s internal and external responses might differ when the level of experienced incivility goes over the certain level. This result provides important implications to the existing studies that assumed both relationships between experienced incivility with stress and instigated incivility as simple linear relationships.