초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Lee, Ju-Ri-Ae (Ewha Womans University) The research seeks to develop a platform for translation courses that consists of importing translation assignments into Excel, implementing effective feedback functions for professors. Trial performance on the Excel platform was conducted on professors. The feedback category was modified and supplemented and its usefulness was tested through a second performance trial. The latest developed platform was used for a semester for providing assignments and corrections to students. The layout and feedback categories were modified through trial and error, reviewing assignments and corrected assignments weekly, and drawbacks were identified through survey. The study seeks to break from existing assignment hand-in methods and feedback methods by the creation of said Excel platform. It holds significance in that it sets out to offer a frame work for the development of future platforms for translation courses. Follow up research for a more effective assignment hand-in and quick feedback must be conducted through trial and error.