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Purpose - This study set out to investigate consumers' awareness of a small wedding on their cognitive attitude and word-of-mouth intention through empirical research, thus making a contribution to the establishment of a sound and frugal "small wedding" as a new form of wedding for the settlement of the right wedding culture. Design, Data, and Methodology - A theoretical system was built for the concepts of consumers' awareness, cognitive attitude, and word-of-mouth intention about a small wedding based on literature study and also for influential relations among these factors. Consumers' awareness was comprised of four components including cultural, social, economic, and psychological factors. Consumers' cognitive attitude and word-of-mouth intention were measured and investigated with multiple items at a single level. Results – The study tested the hypotheses and found that the economic factors of consumers' awareness of a small wedding had negative(-) effects on their cognitive attitude and word-of-mouth intention. That is, consumers lacked in the perception that a small wedding was economic and efficient. These findings raise a need for plans to help consumers think that a small wedding is economic and efficient instead of empty formalities and vanity.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Small Wedding Event, Consumer's Awareness, Cognitive Attitude, Word-of-Mouth Intention