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Purpose – The purpose of this research is to investigate the mediation effect of price fairness between eco-friendly perception and willingness to pay premium in the domain of coffee service. Design, data, and methodology – This study collected the data using Amazon Mechanical Turk. The number of observation is 415. This research performed frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability test, correlation analysis, and regression analysis using Baron and Kenny(1986) mediation test. Result – The results indicate that price fairness fully mediated the relation between eco-friendly perception and willingness to pay premium. Eco-friendly perception positively affected the price fairness, and price fairness positively impacted on willingness to pay premium. Conclusions – This study theoretically contributes to the literature by presenting the clarification about the association among three attributes. Given the results, this study could provide the practical implication for the coffee business managers
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Starbucks, Willingness to pay premium, Price fairness, Eco-friendly perception