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The purpose of this study is to investigate the different types of politeness strategies that are used between the different participants based on the theory of politeness strategy put forward by Brown and Levinson(1987), in relation to U.S. Presidential debates. A televised debate from the 2016 American Presidential Election was chosen for the data analysis. A total of 918 thought units were analyzed and the results showed that the positive politeness strategies were used most by both participants. In case of Clinton, the positive politeness strategies were used overwhelmingly. However, bald on record was the second most highly used and the difference between the first and second was a small margin in the utterance of Trump. In the negative strategies, questions and hedges were used most in both candidates. In off record strategies, both candidates frequently used overstate. As politically damaging information towards both candidates were revealed before the debate, the debaters performed face threatening acts primarily to attack the positive public image of their opponent.