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이 연구는 역사적 문화적 고찰을 통해 중국의 현행 학교 우슈교육에서 발견되는 문제의 원인을 찾고 개혁을 위한 이론적 근거를 제시하는데 연구의 목적이 있다. 근대 이후 중국의 우슈 학교체육 도입 과정을 시대별 특성에 따라 5단계로 구분하여 분석하였으며, 도출된 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 신해혁명 이전의 중국 학교교육은 양무운동과 일본 무사도정신의 영향으로 군국민(軍國民)교육이 강조되었으며, 서구의 병식(兵式)체조가 상무교육의 수단으로 도입되었다. 이 시기의 중국무술은 아직 학교의 공교육 교재로 개량되지 못하고 민간 교육의 수준에 머물러 있었다. 둘째, 북양(北洋)정부 시기는 군국민사상과 국수주의 사조의 영향으로 무술의 공교육 도입이 본격적으로 시도되어 마량(馬良)의 중화신무술(中華新武術)이 전국학교에 보급된다. 셋째, 국민정부 시기는 중앙국술관(中央國術館)이 설립되면서 무술을 군국민교육의 일환으로 학교교육에 도입한다. 학용일치(學用一致)를 원칙으로 한 실전위주의 수업과 평가가 있었으나, 신중국 건국 이후 이러한 흐름은 이어지지 못하고 단절된다. 넷째, 신중국 건국 이후 통일과 규격화의 원칙하에 동작이 개량 규정된 우슈 투로(Taolu)가 학교 우슈교육의 주요 교재가 된다. 다섯째, 21세기 이후 중국 정부의 문화강국 정책에 따라 우슈 학교교육은 우슈의 교재를 전통우슈로 확대하여 다양화를 추구하고 있으며, 우슈교육을 민족정신 함양과 연계하여 활용하고 있다.

This study aims to find out the cause of problem on the current school physical education of Wushu in China through the historical and cultural consideration and suggest the theoretical basis for reform. It was classified the introduction process of school physical education in China into 5 steps according to the characteristics of each period and the conclusion is as follows. Chinese school education prior to Xinhai Revolution emphasized the national army education influenced by Self-Strengthening Movement and Japan Bushido spirit, and the western military gymnastic education was introduced as a method of military eduction. Chinese martial arts in this period wasn’t able to be improved yet as an instructional material of the public education in school and remained at the level of private education. Second, in the Beiyang Government, the introduction of public education of Martial was attempted in earnest by the influence of the military natinal thought and the nationalism and Chinese New Martial Arts developed by Maliang was popularized to the school in national wide. Although Chinese New Martial Arts has a technical limitation of improving traditional Wushu to the western gymnastics, it influenced greatly on the modernization of Chinese martial arts. Third, in the period of Nationalist China, the martial arts was introduced as a part of the military national education in the school education while establishing the Central Guoshu Institute. There were practical classes and assessment based on the principle of learning to use and the competing material such as kick boxing, short swords, long swords, and wrestling was actively developed and diffused. However, these trends wasn’t continued and cut off since the New China was founded. Fourth, Wushu Taolu, which was reformed and regulated the motions into gymnastics according to the unification and standardization since the New China, became a main material of Wushu education in schools. Until now, ‘Government regulated Taolu’ centered Wushu school education has turned out the problems of ‘low interest’, ‘lack of teaching competency’, and ‘low efficiency’. Fifth, in accordance with the Cultural Power policy of China, Wushu school education has been seeking diversification by expanding the traditional Wushu as a Wushu material, and using Wushu education with the cultivation of the national spirit.