초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The roll of the regional festival is to present local activities and authentic customs. Riding a horse explores the communication between man and animal. This activity is classified as a Health Tour, Adventure Tour, Special Interest Tour and even a Healing Tour. There is currently an increase in people looking for new trends in tourist activities. Horse riding is part of this movement. To overcome the lack of historic background of the present two military festivals in Gyeryong city, this study proposes the following: 1. Combine both Jisangun and World Military festivals into one specific military festival. 2. The first King of Joseon, Yi Sung Gye came to Gyeryong with his horse riding soldiers, when traveling the country in search of a location for his new capital city. Develop and integrate this historic event as part of the military festival. 3. Adopt horse riding in traditional and modern military outfit as part of the parade showing a strong military visual identity. 4. Show divers traditional Korean horse-riding martial arts programs: sword fighting, lance throwing and bow and arrow skills. 5. Provide horse-riding opportunity for visitors.