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본 연구의 목적은 그림책 출판과 활용대상이 다변화되는 사회적 특성을 고려하여 독서치료가 생소했던 1999년부터 20년간 심리 정서 치료자원을 담은 그림책을 활용한 독서치료 국내연구들의 동향을 분석해보고 그 학문적 동향이 앞으로 어떻게 모색되어야 하는지에 대한 기초자료를 얻기 위함이다. 국내 학술연구정보 서비스(RISS)의 상세검색 창에서 1999-2018년까지의 “그림책 독서치료” 주제어를 검색하여 수집된 146건의 연구대상 자료를 연구년도/분기, 대상의 발달단계, 치료주제, 연구자의 학문 분야에 따라 분석하였다. 분기별로 분석한 결과, 연구물 출간수가 지속적으로 증가되었고 학술 유형도 다양화되었다. 발달단계별 분석에서는 유아기, 아동기, 청소년기에 대상에 집중되는 연구동향을 보였고, 치료주제에서는 부모-자녀관계, 또래관계, 자존감, 자아개념 순으로 많았다. 학문 분야에서는 교육학, 심리/상담/치료학에서의 연구 참여가 문학, 문헌정보, 예술분야 연구에서 보다 더 높았다. 국가정책 연구보고서, 문제유형별, 대상별, 주제별, 학문분야별, 학위수준별, 체계적인 집중 심화 연구가 후속적으로 더 필요하다.

The purpose of this study is to review all the research of bibliotherapy using therapeutic picture books during 1999-2018 in order to provide the research trends of picturebook bibliotherapy and to prospect the desirable directions of picture-book bibliotherapy in the future. 146 research data were hit in RISS data base and analyzed according to the criteria of publication year/every 4 year period, research types(MA/PhD theses, published academic articles, books, and public research report), ages/developmental stages, therapeutic themes, academic areas to which researchers belong. In findings, only 5 books were published during 1st period(’99-’02), 12 books and theses in 2nd period(’03-’06), 40 books, theses, articles, 1 public report in 3rd period(’07-’10), and 47 books, theses, articles in 4th(’11-’14) and 5th(’15-’18) periods respectfully. Frequency of research types was hit highest in books, theses, articles, and public reports in descending order. Children in early childhood(3-5) and at school age(6-11), and adolescents(12-17) are main groups in all types of picture book bibliotherapy research with infants, seniors, middle ages, and young adults group included as well. Most research themes are focused on parent-child relationship, peer relationship, smart device immersion/addiction with special people, inner fears/anxiety, depression, sibling relationship, divorced or multi-cultural families, family abuses in frequent hit order. Education and psychology/counseling/therapy were revealed as main research areas of picture book bibliotherapy field. Further and more research are recommended at doctoral level in depth for families at risks including individual themes and academic areas with literature, psychology, counseling, therapy, and medicine, etc..