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This study identifies the relationship between the character and leadership of young children in an empirical way so as to offer basic data needed for the enhancement of children's leadership. To that end, through child education schools, 500 mothers whose children were 4 and/or 5 years old were surveyed. A final collected 427 copies of the questionnaire were analyzed. The findings of this study indicate: First, the character and leadership of children differed according to sex and age, indicating that females had a higher level of character and leadership than males. Second, the leadership of the lower 30% children and the upper 30% children in terms of character level was analyzed, revealing that the leadership of upper 30% was higher than the lower 30%. Third, the relationship between the character and leadership of children was analyzed, indicating that the sub-factors of character of children had a positive relationship with the sub-factors of leadership. Fourth, among the sub-factors of the character of children, personal value and social value had a significant effect on the leadership of children, which confirmed that the character of children could have an effect on the leadership of children.