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도요토미 히데요시에 의하여 발발된 임진왜란을 소재로 하고 있는 일본근세문학 작품군은 〈태합기물〉, 〈조선군기물〉이 있고, 또 다양한 장르의 작품이 존재한다. 이 작품군의 대부분은 〈태합 전설〉을 수용하고 있어, 임진왜란의 전투에서 일본군의 지략과 용맹함을 그리고 있다. 곧 도요토미 히데요시의 다양한 일화를 근간으로 하는 영웅담의 창출에 기여하고 있다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 〈태합기물〉, 〈조선군기물〉의 묘사는 임진왜란이라는 전쟁의 실상을 그리고 있다기 보다는 일본군의 무위의 우월성과 도요토미 히데요시의 영웅담의 창출에 초점이 맞춰져 있다고 할 수 있을 것이다. 동래성 전투에서 끝까지 항전하다가 전사하여, 한국에서는 충의의 표상으로 존경받는 천곡 송상현에 대한 묘사는 『조선태평기』(1705년), 『회본조선군기』(1800년)를 제외하면 거의 찾아볼 수 없으며, 적군의 순절이나, 전쟁의 폐해, 전투의 참상 등에 대한 묘사는 일부를 제외하면 거의 확인할 수 없다. 그것은 〈태합기물〉, 〈조선군기물〉의 일본 근세문학 작품군이 일본군의 전투에서의 지략과 용맹함을 표출하는 소위 〈무위의 우월성〉을 그리는데 주안점을 두고 있다는 것으로 해석될 수 있을 것이다.
War Literature of the Japan’s Invasions of Korea 1592∼1598 are widely recognized as classic examples of Japanese early modern literature that deal with the Imjin War led by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Of course, there are other works of different genres that take the Imjin War as their subject matter. These works are mostly based on <Taiko-legend>, heavily emphasizing Japanese soldiers’ resourcefulness and prowess during the war. Thus, these literature texts, by offering diverse episodes about Toyotomi Hideyoshi, serve to strengthen the heroic discourse of the Japanese general. In this sense, War Literature of the Japan’s Invasions of Korea 1592∼1598 do not mainly concern with the naked reality of the Imjin War; rather, they are oriented toward praising the superiority of Japanese military power and the heroic aura of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. In Japanese early modern literature, except <Chosendaiheiki>(1705) and <Ehonchosengunki>(1800), there are no detailed accounts about Cheongok, Sang-Hyun Song, an iconic figure, highly respected for his bravery and loyalty, who fought to the end and died in the Battle of Dongrae-eupseong Fortress. Furthermore, there are only few in Japanese early modern times that contain descriptions about the enemy’s noble sacrifices, the destructive nature of the war, and the abject misery of battles. So, we can safely conclude that the Imjin War literary lore in Japanese early modern times mainly focuses on Japanese soldiers’ resourcefulness and prowess and the so-called “superiority of Japanese military power.”
豊臣秀吉による朝鮮侵略戦争を題材にした日本近世文学作品群は〈太閤記物〉と〈朝鮮軍記物〉とがあり、多様な形の作品が存在する。この作品群の多くは、いわゆる〈太閤伝説〉を取入れており、壬辰倭乱の戦争での日本軍の智略と勇猛さを描いている。即ち、豊臣秀吉の太陽受胎説に基づいた逸話と結付けることによって、英雄豪傑談を創りだしている。よって、〈太閤記物〉、〈朝鮮軍記物〉のストーリーは戦争そのものの実像を表現するよりは、戦争に参加した日本武将の活躍と秀吉の英雄談の創出に焦点が当てられていたということがいえよう。 例えば、戦争の初期朝鮮は小西行長、宗義智の率いる日本軍の奇襲攻撃に手もつかず破れてしまったが、そのような状況の中でも、小西軍の強力な戦闘力に立ち向かって抗戦し、殉死した東莱府使宋象賢がいて、朝鮮では忠義の表象として我々の記憶に残っている。しかし、東莱城戦闘で殉死した府使宋象賢に関する描写は『朝鮮太平記』(1705年)、『絵本朝鮮軍記』(1800年)を除くと、管見の限りでは殆んど見ることができない。それは、〈太閤記物〉、〈朝鮮軍記物〉の近世文芸の多くが豊臣軍の戦闘での智略と勇猛さを描く、いわゆる〈武威の優越性〉を表すためであり、そこに焦点が当てられていたからであろう。
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Japan’s Invasions of Korea 1592∼1598, Battle of Dongnae Castle, Song sang hyon, Toyotomi hideyosi, Japanese Literature of Edo-period
War Literature of the Japan’s Invasions of Korea 1592∼1598 are widely recognized as classic examples of Japanese early modern literature that deal with the Imjin War led by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Of course, there are other works of different genres that take the Imjin War as their subject matter. These works are mostly based on <Taiko-legend>, heavily emphasizing Japanese soldiers’ resourcefulness and prowess during the war. Thus, these literature texts, by offering diverse episodes about Toyotomi Hideyoshi, serve to strengthen the heroic discourse of the Japanese general. In this sense, War Literature of the Japan’s Invasions of Korea 1592∼1598 do not mainly concern with the naked reality of the Imjin War; rather, they are oriented toward praising the superiority of Japanese military power and the heroic aura of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. In Japanese early modern literature, except <Chosendaiheiki>(1705) and <Ehonchosengunki>(1800), there are no detailed accounts about Cheongok, Sang-Hyun Song, an iconic figure, highly respected for his bravery and loyalty, who fought to the end and died in the Battle of Dongrae-eupseong Fortress. Furthermore, there are only few in Japanese early modern times that contain descriptions about the enemy’s noble sacrifices, the destructive nature of the war, and the abject misery of battles. So, we can safely conclude that the Imjin War literary lore in Japanese early modern times mainly focuses on Japanese soldiers’ resourcefulness and prowess and the so-called “superiority of Japanese military power.”